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Parking management and incentives as successful and proven strategies for energy-efficient urban transport


PUSH & PULL (also known as carrot and stick approach) is an idiom that refers to a policy of offering a combination of rewards / incentives and punishment to induce behavior.

The project aims to improve urban mobility in European cities by means of parking space management combined with mobility management measures. By introducing paid parking, increasing parking fees, reducing or restraining parking supply or implementing comparable measures, car drivers will be pushed to use more sustainable transport. At the same time, the income generated from parking space management can be used for incentives to promote alternatives, thus pulling or attracting users towards public transport, walking, cycling and other sustainable modes. 


Addressing the four Key Challenges of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning


CH4LLENGE (2013-2016) addresses the four most pressing challenges in the development and implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Nine European cities will test innovative and transferable solutions in participation, cooperation, measure identification as well asmonitoring and evaluation. CH4LLENGE kits, as the key outputs of the project, will recapitulate the lessons drawn from the cities’ pilot schemes and the results of the project’s training activities to facilitate the take-up of SUMPs in Europe.


Auditing and certification scheme to increase the quality of sustainable urban mobility plans in cities 


ADVANCE aims to improve the urban transport systems in European cities. It supports cities and municipalities on their way towards a more sustainable urban mobility, thus assisting them to set up and improve the quality of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and policies. 

The ADVANCE Audit is a tool that analyses the strengths and weaknesses in the current sustainable mobility planning of a city and gives clear indications for improvement. Measures and areas of actions to improve the sustainable mobility planning in the city can be derived directly from the action plan that results from the audit process. The action plan can be used as a basis for the development of a new or updated SUMP.


Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport


TRANSPORT LEARNING was designed to support practitioners to develop better solutions for urban transport systems in order to improve citizens' mobility. The main objective of TRANSPORT LEARNING was to create knowledge and capacity on sustainable transport policies and measures in municipalities of Europe's convergence regions.

Development of training materials for 8 modules related to sustainable transport:

  • Parking space management, access restriction and speed control;

  • Mobility management for families, kindergartens and schools;

  • Land use and housing in mobility management;

  • Public transport models;

  • Street design, streetscape and traffic calming;

  • Walking and cycling – counselling municipalities;

  • Design and implementation of sustainable mobility campaigns;

  • Communication training


Diseminare și sprijin în domeniul aspectelor energetice ale transportului urban 


Consorţiul ELTISPlus aduce experienţă şi inovaţie, în egală măsură dezvoltării şi promovării site-ului ELTIS şi a Planurilor de Dezvoltare Urbană Durabilă pe teritoriul Uniunii Europene. Strategia globală a proiectului o reprezintă rularea unui proiect integrat în care cele două subiecte principale relaționate beneficiază din aceaastă sinergie.

Secțiunile necesare site-ului ELTIS au fost actualizate: legislaţie şi finanţare UE, politici; noi secțiuni au fost abordate şi extinse privind oportunităţile de finanţare, formare şi schimb de personal. 

Întreaga activitate își va canaliza eforturile pentru o înţelegere clară a conținutului unui Plan de Mobilitate Urbană și a situațiilor în care definiţiile şi înțelegerea acestui concept diferă


Encouraging Active Travel for Short Trips to Improve Health and Local Economy


Active Access aims to increase the use of cycling but especially walking for short everyday trips in local areas, in order to benefit people’s health, and the health of the local economy. It aims to transfer longer car trips to shorter walking and cycling trips by changing people’s mental maps of their local neighbourhoods so that they realise what is available on their doorstep, rather than in the edge of town retail park.

 3/2014 - 3/2017

 3/2013 - 3/2016

 6/2011 - 6/2014



We work daily so that sustainable mobility becomes a reality in Romanian cities, not just a theoretical concept. The term sustainable mobility came into use as a logical follow-on from sustainable development, and is used to describe modes of transport, and systems of transport planning, which are consistent with wider concerns of sustainability.



The European UnionCouncil of Ministers of Transport, defines a sustainable transportation system as one that:


  • Allows the basic access and development needs of individuals, companies and society to be met safely and in a manner consistent with human and ecosystem health, and promotes equity within and between successive generations.

  • Is Affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, offers a choice of transport mode, and supports a competitive economy, as well as balanced regional development.

  • Limits emissions and waste within the planet’s ability to absorb them, uses renewable resources at or below their rates of generation, and uses non-renewable resources at or below the rates of development of renewable substitutes, while minimizing the impact on the use of land and the generation of noise.



We strongly believe it is essential to develop packages of innovative measures, combining intelligent planning, with advanced technology tools. We encourage economic push and pull measures, awareness raising, and active engagement of stakeholders and citizens.

Within our projects we advocate for improved mobility of goods and people, fostering modal shift, cost internalisation, energy efficiency and emission reduction, better safety and security, accessibility for all, as well as social equity and an attractive urban design.

 5/2011 - 1/2014

 5/2011 - 1/2014

 8/2009 - 7/2012

© Asociația pentru Tranziția Urbană, 2014


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