Empowerment of practitioners to achieve energy savings in urban transport
TRANSPORT LEARNING was designed to support practitioners to develop better solutions for urban transport systems in order to improve citizens' mobility. The main objective of TRANSPORT LEARNING was to create knowledge and capacity on sustainable transport policies and measures in municipalities of Europe's convergence regions.
Development of training materials for 8 modules related to sustainable transport:
Parking space management, access restriction and speed control;
Mobility management for families, kindergartens and schools;
Land use and housing in mobility management;
Public transport models;
Street design, streetscape and traffic calming;
Walking and cycling – counselling municipalities;
Design and implementation of sustainable mobility campaigns;
Communication training
Implementation of 64 training events in 8 European countries
To build capacity and skills within public administrations and private sector organisations, training events were carried out in 8 European countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain.
Guidance of the trainees during the implementation of practical training projects (“mini-projects”)
The aim was to encourage trainees to develop their own project and put the knowledge gained into practice. The best projects were awarded with the prize of a free study trip to Graz in Austria or Bolzano in Italy, or free entrance to an international transport conference.
Creation of an Online Training Resource Centre and an e-learning platform
The Online Training Resource Centre is a website where you can find information you need about transport. It gathers all the necessary support material, such as manuals, reports, articles and presentations. The e-learning platform is a self-learning tool, where you can find online exercises, tutorials (video and podcasts) and other training materials.
Organisation of site-visits for decision makers and politicians to Graz and Bolzano
Site-visits to Bolzano and Graz took place for decision makers and politicians from the trainees’ municipalities. By raising their awareness and interest through real-life demonstrations and examples, the implementation of mini-projects was made easier.
Integration of the training content into different academic classes
All training materials produced during the project are accessible and free for everyone. Universities and other training organisations are encouraged to take up the materials, thus ensuring a long-lasting legacy for the project.
Implementation period
05/2011 - 01/2014
Project partners
Technische Universität Dresden, Germania - coordinator
The Association for Urban Transition ATU, Romania
Edinburgh Napier University. UK
University of Piraeus Research Center, Greece
Municipality of Krakow, Poland
University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovenia
Okoinstitute Alto Adige, Italy
Naples Agency for Energy and the Environment, Italy
Energy Agency of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Eco-union, Spain
Group of Studies and Alternatives 21, Spain
Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilität - FGM-AMOR, Austria
Energia Klub Environmental Association, Hungary
Occam Ltd., Portugal
University of Zilina, Slovakia
Project website
"Follow TRANSPORT LEARNING to increase quality of life in your city!" - Final brochure