Encouraging Active Travel for Short Trips to Improve Health and Local Economy
Active Access aims to increase the use of cycling but especially walking for short everyday trips in local areas, in order to benefit people’s health, and the health of the local economy. It aims to transfer longer car trips to shorter walking and cycling trips by changing people’s mental maps of their local neighbourhoods so that they realise what is available on their doorstep, rather than in the edge of town retail park.
The key objectives of Active Access were to:
Reduce energy consumption by 10-20% in the activities carried out as part of the project
Save energy in the order of 6.5 million litres of fuel
Improve health & tackle obesity by increasing those taking regular exercise in target populations by 10%
Strengthen local economies by making residents aware of the local facilities
The project also aimed to raise awareness and provide know-how regarding promoting walking and cycling to Active Access partners, key stakeholders and the European Union, especially new member states. A common strategy was established between transport and health related activities based on the idea of active travel.To ensure longevity of the message of Active Access the project aimed to:
Raise awareness of non-motorised modes of travel, their use in solving urban transport problems and cost savings in health, amongst policy makers, professional groups and academics
Reduce the use of fossil fuel energy, reducing negative impacts on the environment and health
Raise awareness of the importance of customers who walk and cycle with shop owners
Change attitudes to a car reduced lifestyle, giving walking a more positive image
Increase awareness of the health benefits of active travel
Strengthen local economies, ensuring services remain close to where people live – an important consideration for ageing populations
Implementation period
08/2009 - 07/2012
Project partners
Edinburgh Napier University, Marea Britanie, coordonator
Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilität - FGM-AMOR, Austria
Asociația pentru Tranziția Urbană ATU, Romania
City of Koprivnica, Croația
Tartu City Government, Estonia
Harghita Energy Management Public Service, România
Hungarian Cyclists' Club, Hungary
Centre for Health and Development, Slovenia
German Institute of Urban Affairs, DIFU, Germany
Prioriterre, France
Energy Agency of La Ribera, Spania
Cities for Mobility, C4M, Germany
University of Nicosia, Cipru
City of Aveiro, Portugal
Walk21, UK
Project website