Reinforcement of Platform for Bucharest – Stronger Voices for Sustainable Urban Development
Promoting the principles of good governance, decisional transparency and public participation in decision-making at local and central government level.
The Platform for Bucharest is a coalition of 42 NGOs, united in order to enforce sustainable development principles at local administration level in Bucharest as well as at the level of the central public authorities.
1. Shaping the interior structure of the coalition in order to ease decision - making procedures and activity coordination.
2. Achieving improved means of exterior communication and reinforcing the Platforms rapport with citizens and public authorities.
The main activities were:
the creation of decision-making mechanisms as well as working systems within the Platform by establishing working groups each relevant to an area of expertise of member organizations ( thus, five working groups have been created, focused respectively on: good governance, urban planning , social studies, heritage, environment);
monitoring the six districts' mayors' activities with relevance to the ladder fields of expertise and also the ones of the Mayor of Bucharest during their 2008 - 2012 terms;
organizing debates between qualified local administration personnel and citizens in order to generate the Pact for Bucharest 2 (strategic document on development visions for Bucharest);
organising training sessions for journalists on the main focus areas of the Platform and also a competition on documenting public policies in Bucharest;
offering citizens legal assistance in the field of urban development.
Implementation period
12/2011 - 12/2012
Project partners
Asociația Agenția de Monitorizare a Presei, București, România
Asociația pentru Tranziția Urbană, București, România
Centrul de Resurse pentru participare publică, București, România
Ecopolis, București, România
Grupul pentru Dezvoltare Locală, București, România
Pro Do Mo, București, România
Project website